Acknowledgement of Submission and Processing Update – Coinit and Commex

Acknowledgement of Submission and Processing Update

Dear Shareholders,

I hope this finds you well. 

Thank you for submitting your application to take up shares in APMR. We appreciate your interest and the effort you’ve put into providing the necessary information.

We would like to inform you that we have received an overwhelming volume of applications, and while we are diligently processing them, it has come to our attention that some submissions are incomplete. If your application falls into this category, please note we will not be able to process your application, we ask that you correct this if you in any way anticipate this might be a problem with your application.

For those whose submissions are complete and accurate, our team is currently in the process of reviewing and validating the documents and Share Certificates will begin to be issued in the coming days. Please note that our office will be closed from the 22nd December 2023 until early January 2024.

We thank you for the patience and understanding shown during this busy period. Rest assured, we are making progress in processing these applications.

May you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a truly prosperous new year that sees dreams come true.



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